Treka L. House

Sep 24, 2015

Gabriel Wallace: From Poverty to Prosperity

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” --John C. Maxwell

For those who may not yet be familiar with who you are, please enlighten them.

Gabriel: I was born and raised in Greenwood, MS. I am a husband and father of four beautiful children ranging from ages 3-17. Over the past twelve years, leadership training and development has been my profession. By title, I am an independent Certified Leadership Coach, Speaker, and best-selling author with The John Maxwell Team.

Exactly what influenced you to compose a spiritual publication?

Gabriel: That’s a loaded question for me lol. The original book started out as a motivational piece, which gradually changed as I studied the word of God in-depth. At that point I felt obligated to share the “Good News” to help free others and exercise their faith.

Explain to us the purpose of Book of Revelations: 10 Steps of Transforming Poverty into Prosperity.

Gabriel: The purpose of this book is to empower others to challenge the notion that you have to remain a product of your environment. Throughout the book I reveal in-depth knowledge on how to transcend the physical and conditional entrapment of adverse environments and discover ways to enlarge your vision. The biggest take away I want readers to get from my book is not to be afraid to step out on faith.

In three words describe Book of Revelations: 10 Steps of Transforming Poverty into Prosperity.

  1. Transformational

  2. Inspirational

  3. Fruitful

Your book speaks of various real life topics such as poverty, homicide, bullying, incarceration, domestic abuse and single parenting, but more important, a relationship with God. I was able to relate to many of the issues you spoke on. What particular occurrence lead you to seek a relationship with God?

Gabriel: This is an awesome question. First off, I have to touch on what poverty is and how it affects us all. Poverty is a mental disease or addiction which stifles the ability to see options outside of a set of circumstances. It has to be taken seriously and treated properly. That’s actually one of the reasons why I structured my book as a 10 step process and series because overcoming an addiction happens in stages. To answer your question, I literally tried everything in my power to fill a void in my life. I made all the mistakes and tried it my way until I grew weary of suppressing the truth. I needed answers and wanted more out of life. I wanted to live and not just exist so I surrendered to the “Most High God”.

Book of Revelations: 10 Steps of Transforming Poverty into Prosperity is a part of a three part series. How significant are these and why?

Gabriel: A series is significant because it allows the reader to digest and process the material to experience growth over time. We live in a world that seeks “quick fixes” so I wanted to break it up in small nuggets of truth to cater to my audience. The 3 phases (The Foundation, The Transition, The Growth Process) provides a framework to transforming your life.

After you’ve released each book to the series, what will be your next project?

Gabriel: After releasing each book in the series I am looking forward to a book tour.

You encourage your readers to face the truth about themselves. How hard was it to come to terms with the truths surrounding who you were?

Gabriel: It was very hard to face the truth because it challenged everything I thought I knew of myself. I thought that I was worthless and would not amount to be anything. The scariest moment came when I discovered that I was empowered to prosper. This went against everything I knew. I look back and there were times that I did not expect to live past 25 years of age. The transition felt like I was overcoming an addiction but I finally was able to crossover and began my journey to better.

What differences are you now able to acknowledge about yourself? What suggestions would you have for your readers to accomplish this transition?

Gabriel: I have adopted a different perspective from being the victim to the victor. In order to make the transition you must build a strong foundation, lean not on your own understanding, and exercise your faith daily to see you through.

What was the toughest thing you had to face within yourself?

Gabriel: I had a hard time believing in myself. There was no value of life for myself or others.

What is your philosophy on self-reflection, self-improvement and personal progression?

Gabriel: Self-reflection, Self-improvement, and personal progression requires an investment. If you are not willing to invest in yourself you will never reach your full potential in life. Life for me is about growing myself and others. If I am limited so are my abilities to impact and empower others. Many times we lose sight of the main goal, because we don’t take the time to reflect, release, and renew our minds.

What currently motivates you to do more to realign the rationale of society?

Gabriel: I feel that it is a part of my divine purpose to spread the truth and set others free. It motivates me to allow God to use me.

Book of Revelations: 10 Steps of Transforming Poverty into Prosperity referenced actual people you know, from those individuals, who left the greatest impact on you?

Gabriel: I really can’t answer that question because each one provided a different perspective that was pivotal in helping me stretch my faith. Stay tuned there is more to come.

When you’re not writing, what do you do?

Gabriel: When I am not writing I try to partake in things that challenge or stretch me like playing golf. I also work hard to be the father that I never had or the husband I never saw.

If you were given a path back into your past to alter any aspect of your life, what would it be?

Gabriel: I wouldn’t change a thing. Everything that I've been through prepared me for the problem God created me to fix.

When you need guidance, who is that person for you and why?

Gabriel: I first seek the word of God. Secondly, I seek counsel from my bible study instructor. To be honest, I still get in my own way more than I should rather than asking God for help. I am also working on surrounding myself with people that challenge me and my thinking. You have to be really careful of who you receive advice from.

If someone who desired to take the road you’re currently taking, what would be some things you would tell them?

Gabriel: I would tell them to trust in God, believe in yourself, and develop a “Why” that brings you to tears when you think about it. Also don’t get discouraged or take it personal for lack of support from close friends, relatives, or even spouses. God gave you the dream/vision so don’t allow anyone to take it away.

How can your prospective readers keep up with your journey and purchase your book.

Gabriel: Follow me on Facebook Page: / Follow me on Twitter: @journey2better

Is there a message you would like to relay to those reading this interview?

Gabriel: We all were created for a purpose. We were also entrusted with a gift. Find it. Subdue it. Master your craft. Until then your life will be unfulfilled. “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

This interview touched my spirit. Gabriel was transparent and honest, which in my opinion is inspirational. Book of Revelations: 10 Steps of Transforming Poverty into Prosperity confirmed much of what I've had in my thoughts for myself and others for quite sometime. He didn't hesitate exposing his experiences in an effort to encourage his readers to desire something better for themselves, other than what they expect and he explains how he got there. His work is so relatable, clear and will resignate with so many individuals. I can go and on and on about how extraordinary his message is, but for you to be motivated for yourself, please support him by purchasing his book on Amazon. Thank you Gabe for granting me such an influential interview!

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