Treka L. House

Aug 18, 2015

Dreams Unrushed

"Dream until your fear of failing forces your dream into a prosperous existence." --T. L. House

Ever had an idea that you were so excited about it, you just wanted to blink it into existence immediately? You envision the finished product and that's all you wanted to get to. The problem is, in the mist of all the excitement, the fine tuning necessary to get to that final point is eluded. Your mind is racing and your heart is pumping with sheer anticipation of what 's to come. So you start the work toward this dream, only to realize that there are numerous steps required before it is even close to actualization. That's when the dream killer creeps in to blow out the flame of enthusiasm. You notice that all the tedious tasks to your dream has distorted your exhiliaration. You begin to question if the concept is actually worth the effort. In order to discover a resolution before you decide to drop your dream, you must find out exactly why your eagerness for the project is declining. Is it fear? Is it time management issues? Or is it the fact that the dream won't come into fruition instantly? One thing that I've learned is that you can't rush perfection or anything close to it. Dreams demand courage, nurturing, dedication and loads of attention. You can't be so impatient with your dream, that you hurry and deliver mediocre results. It's important that you take your time and become one with your creation. You really have to step back to be able to see all the rough ends, so that have time to iron them out. It's crucial that you aren't lead by pressure. It's evenly critical to live in your dream, unrushed.

#dream #fear #excitement #writer #author #pressure #society #selflove #project #failure